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  You can perform a death records search through the United States Social Security Administration or SSA. The SSA has Death Master File or DMF that is kept up to date. This year, the SSA has about 86 million records on its Death Master File. Death reports are commonly done by a family member, lawyer, of the deceased person. The mortuary can also submit death reports. Filing a death report is an important process for claiming death benefits. The Social Security Number of the deceased person is key to this process. The first lesson we need to learn, we (God's children) do not face death, alone. We did not come into this world alone, and we do not leave it alone. When an heir of God completes this metamorphous and departs this earthly kingdom for the heavenly one, there is a flutter of angelic activity surrounding that soul like never before. Those beings who have been given the custodial care over us for all the years we live on this earth - now with tenderness - ever so carefully deposit their charge into the protective care of another group of angelic beings called The Chariots of Israel. They are the angels who are charged with the mission of safely moving us from this realm to that other we often refer to as Heaven. Each person deals with death in her own way. Some people are in denial. Some turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to cope. Some simply stay stuck in their grief. The key to the transition from the preoccupation of death to the fullness of life is to work through the feelings and through each stage. Seeing myself in a different light is good news. I am no longer a helpless victim, but a strong survivor. Do I think he got what he deserved when he died? I certainly did not want him to die, and the fact that he died at a young age always makes me sad. This is by far the most important reason to pre-plan your funeral before you die. You will know with 100% certainty that your wishes will be carried out. What type of music do you want played at your funeral? Do you want to be buried or cremated? By making these decisions, you can be assured that this is what will take place. After all, if there is an after-life, you want to be satisfied with how the funeral went, right? The Eulogy. A remembrance and acknowledgment of Mom and the significance of her life to all who shared it. The eulogy can be delivered by one or several family members and friends, or by a member of the clergy. We chose a local minister who shared some of our fondest memories of Mom. A close friend also sang one of Mom's favorite hymns, The Old Rugged Cross. The funeral home arranged for a closed circuit broadcast of the eulogy service, accessible on the internet, for relatives who could not attend the funeral. If your loved one is on hospice or is given a short amount, you can certainly have a planning conversation with them, if they are able. In this way you can be better prepared to meet their needs and incorporate them into your planning. funeral program funeral program funeral program

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